Board of

PRA Investorroom

James Nussle

James Nussle joined PRA Group’s Board of Directors in 2013.  He is currently the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Credit Union National Association, a position that he has held since September 2014.  Mr. Nussle has also served on the board of trustees of Thrivent Financial Mutual Funds since 2011 and is an industry advisor to a private equity firm, Avista Capital Partners.  Mr. Nussle previously served as the President of Growth Energy, a renewable energy industry association based in Washington, D.C., from 2010 to 2013. Prior to his private sector career, Mr. Nussle served extensively in government at both the local and federal levels. He served eight terms as a U.S. Representative from Iowa between 1991 and 2007, was elected by his colleagues to serve three terms as the House Budget Committee Chairman, and was selected by President George W. Bush in 2007 to serve in his Cabinet as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Mr. Nussle also served on a number of President Bush’s policy councils including the National Economic, Homeland Security and National Security Councils. Mr. Nussle’s career also includes four years as an elected prosecuting attorney in Iowa and the practice of law in Iowa.